Thursday, October 9, 2008

ohhh man what a bummer, chemistry is actually starting to get hard . worse still is calculas...its like he tests alot of stupid things like how do u find the derivative using the limit method blahblahblah.knn fuckin mafan leh.and unfortunately for me i just caught a flu+fever+sorethroat...on the coldest fuckin day of the week.i went to school for one and a half hours, only tofind out my remaining classes gotcancelled(i spent 2 hrs finishing my essay the night before too for english) and i still had to meet tina, so that was like...234234234 hours of waiting and walking just to keep my metabolism up so that i wouldnt slip into a cold induced statis just like walt disney, except that he was dead when that happened but u get the point yeah?damn suay man seriously, especially when i have a huge quiztomorrow on chemistry, i think im just gonna pop in class for like 15min and getout because i can barely talk at the moment.

fall season is here so its starting to get damn bloody cold, u know the feeling when u have to sit on a cold toilet bowl in the morning, WELL U DONT BUT IT SUCKS MAN.its an incredible mindgame where u have to force ur butt cheeks on the seats and not shiver with discomfort.highlight of the week,i spent like 100++ yesterday buying cool clothes and 2 starwars book .satisfied i guess.driving test is constantly being postponed, and i think im losingmy mass in the gym, i cant even do 30 pound bicep curls anymore, but maybe thats because i havent worked on my arms since i was here so meh, GONNA START NOW. have to look good in the new clothes i bought:).

btw if u guys wanna take skye out, just ask justin to ask i think my mum will definitely allow.but make sure in sentosa he gets alot of shade during the hottest part of noon and lots of water.and some doggy food, get him the caesar brand of foodtoo, just as a small treat because i knowhe doesnt like to eat his normal dog food when his out.dont get water in his ears, and make sure no fuckin bengs or muds or tamila try to touch him.ALSO MAKE SURE U SAY HIS CUTE AND ADORABLE, and rub his tummy cause he likes that alot, and try to make sure his on teh leash most of the time because u never know when some idiiots try to be violent when they see a cute dog heading to them. other than that, enjoy his company and the unstoppable torrents and waves of females attracted to him.peace out NIGGUHS

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