Monday, March 30, 2009

i miss you....

SKYEKINS!!nat...ozy...quan...monica sweetheart(alfone)...hl..fred...yh....the rest of the chicks. pretty much everyone else too. EXCEPT JUSTIN CHANG CHEE KANINABU Bai GUO FUCKIN HUI.

anyway, justin is a fuckin lousy best-friend-for-life. didnt even get my coldplay autograph. and he blames it on the stupid company policy. IF U WERE MY BEST FRIEND U WOULD HAVE DONE IT ANYWAY AND SAID FUCK THIS IM QUITTING, AND FORGO THE CHANCE OF GRADUATING BECAUSE IT IS ALL WORTH IT. BUT NO. U FAGGED OUT.U SUCK, U OWE ME A PRESENT. I WANT YOUR ANAL VIRGINITY.

been reading alot of sun tzu art of war. its damn interesting la haha. and the barnes and nobles is just a 10min walk from school. so i just go there to read spiderman comics and war history. yes, if u havent realised yet, i am a very avid reader of war history. especially on the pacific war. good stuff. and the place gives out free samples for some starbucks-ish cafe inside there. who could pass off a free drink right.

exams are coming up right before spring break. which starts in a week. and im very nervous about my bio test, she didnt give us a proper review this time, and i cant afford to do badly. NOT EVER. other than that... my other classes are really cool and fun. religion class is with this white guy who spent the majority of his life in africa, so his basically blacker(in a spiritual sense) than the niggas in the class. and he uses racism alot, and for some reason, u just dont get angry cause of his charming accent and personality. damn, one good thing about america, they have really awesome teachers if u look for it. he was like, promoting the muslim club and was telling us about the "getting ur own personal bomb kit at the age of 13 etc etc"and about the japanese club where they teach u how to perform seppuku. I RurVE ENGRISH. sounds corny here, but itsfuckin funny with the way he says it. he likes to make fun of women,gay people and black people too. an A+++ in my book. and my drama teacher is a professional actor who acts with like the hollywood stars like liv tyler and joaquin phoenix, he met the ex presidents wife in person during a play as well. imba. instant respect. and here im wondering , why the fuck are u teaching in delta. and he knows alot of shit about the stars, such as britney spears is a spoilt brat and the reason why she broke up with her boyfriend was because her mother told her to. britney spears also cries every time before she starts her concert and has to call justin to console her. i love celebrity gossip. oh yeah, and oprah is an evil bitch behind the camera. keeps my soul alive u know, i cant take 5 teachers like gamarnik in a semester without contemplating seppuku.

another good thing about americas schooling system, is that theres this website called which basically is a website where students rate the teachers in their college. hey it might be biased in a sense that everyone wants a teacher, but its better than nothing right? and so far all the comments have been accurate. maybe u NUS peeps can go check it out, might have it there too.

im coming. may. see you then.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

wow there is a pretty side to america-_-. as long as u dont go to stockton.

some of the snow in sonora.

along the road in lodi.

and this is my monteray trip, we went to this place called carmel which was pretty cool. its like a....very cozy kinda town, no tall buildings, small shops, but they all cater to like..uppermiddleclass to rich mother fuckers kinda shops. no fast food restaurents, and there was an oyster BAR, didnt go in though:(. clint eastwood was the mayor there before LOL, and angelina jolie etc shop here. pretty damn cool! the beach was awesome, cause i think it was the pacific ocean? and when u look towards the sea u dont see any tankers or other huge ships like SINGAPORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, water is really clean too (AKA BLUE),and it was fuckin cold. was like soaking ur feet in ice water, it was that bad. it was a no leash compound too, that means dogs can just run around, and there were like, 50 dogs man, not kididng, made me miss skye alot. had italian food for dinner, which was the awesome.

this is fog btw

on our way there, chio right, thats just a reservoir i think. all pics taken with iphones, dont complainx.

random pics.

italian food.

some spotted dick

da beach. in my defence, the wind was bad, and i was cold,= bad hair.

this is but a taste, yh LOL. till u come bah

Friday, March 20, 2009

first half of naam yi deuong ji keoung, now we can all sing along.

O hei o siu man chung long
Defiantly facing insurmountable odds

Yit huet yit sing hung yat gwong
Burning with righteous spirit like this red sunlight

Daam si tit da
With resolute courage

Gwat ji jing gong
With an uncompromising character

Hung kam baak chin jeung
With the broadest mind

Ngaan gwong maan lei cheung
With a far-sighted vision

Sai fen yiu faat ji keung
I go all out to make the country strong

Jo goh ho hon ji
In order to be a great hero

Mui tin yiu ji keung
Every day you must push yourself

Yit huet naam ji
The righteous spirit of a hero

bit sing hung yat gwong
burns brighter than the sun

Yeung hoi tin wai ngoh jeui neng leung
Sea and sky yield their power for me to gather

the last line here is the part where u say george lam stretches his vocals to the point of breaking, quan LOL.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ah hu, rmb the times where we said we will go to the maldives for vacations. this is so totally the place man.

Friday, March 13, 2009

just another one of those conversations that are awesome with justin.

[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
aarfi going to use my photog sklls
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
create another FHM
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
ill call it M18
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
all pornstars nia
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
nude pics
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
sure own
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
naam yi deuong ji keung.
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
good name
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
i only can pronounce ti and ji
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:
Brian says:
[ j u s t i n ] diecinueve 38moredays. says:

hooray for humanitarians, who think that the niggers in africa are the only sentient beings suffering in the world. i wouldnt give a cent to charity anyway, i think they all have enough, i would rather use it on animal shelters and actually see more use in it. cmon, billions have been pumped into africa and things have barely changed. its obvious they are just fated to be at the bottom of the totem pole. its natural selection for god's sake, charles darwin reference anyone? and as much as i dont wanna say it, theres a reason why there werent many retards,gays and people with deformities in the past. why? natural selection obviously, its almost as if the human race is going against the very basis of natural selectio itself, maybe thats why society is dumbing down in the first place. ever watched the movie idiocracy? it explains it in a comedic way but its the message across.
anyway what i am trying to put across is that i find it frustrating that there are never enough donations to animal welfare organizations or the wwf. and people believing only humans have souls is just down right retarded to me to be perfectly honest. i mean dont they have the right to live just like we do, (cept for muds and ahpus, but im digressing huh). well this rant post basically was caused because a friend of mine was asking me to donate 12 dollars to a children's fund, and i said no, saying that i rather give it to an animal shelter, and if she did promote for stuff like that i would definitely donate. and she was actually pissed about that, saying that these kids need the money more than animals. well if their parents werent so fuckin stupid to go bareback when they probably cant afford a child, this shit wouldnt have happened wouldnt it. natural selection is doing its job weeding out the stupid. and i honestly dont see how animals shouldnt be gettin the money instead.
oh yeah, anyway one thing which i find really really irritating here is the use of other terms for several words we would have no qualms on flinging about in singapore. such as, handicapped, retard, and faggot. instead they use words like physically inclined, mentally inclined (or something with learning) and i cant remember the other word for faggot. sexually confused? i dunno. i seriously think its pointless man lol, after all when ur using.. "so..your son is mentally challenged?" isnt your mind thinking of the word retard. its not like removing the word would change your thought about things. like how i say african american but i still think NIGGUH. meh, whatever, after all americans are so sensitive about shit, all concerned about their personal space, and yet you see them mating like rabbits in a college party. oh yeah-_-, and i got scolded for using the word faggot while out with my friend, bwg bah, its not like i meant it, fuck. i like how it sounds, plus i was swearing at a coke can that dropped and hit my toe.

so btw, this thing has been troubling me for sometime, you know, when im taking a dump, and i decide to stay on the toilet bowl and think about life( all of you do it, DONT LIE). what would you do if u find out your future childs a retard. would u abort it? or let him/her live. i honestly think i'll let him die bah. after all i've seen parents taking care of this people till they eventually pass away, and thats no way to live for either of these two parties. people say we dont have the right to decide the fate of a foetus' life, well half of him came from captain brian semen, so i call the shots here, or the bitch is gonna get rihanna-ed.

sing LIVE YOUR LIFE SOMEMORE LA, fuckin annoyin voice, geh geh jamaican accent. maybe thats why chris brown beat you in the first place. not that i support his actions,but hey the receiving end was not someone i liked anyway. HAHA. i know u will find this funny ah hu!.

coldplay is supergood LIVE LA. his voice, just sounds like he really means it when he sings the lyrics, like songs such as the scientist and in my place. its magical that the crowd sings along, i always love that. fix you is the most awesome, guy berryman just gives a very epic feel to it when he plays his guitar part. btw justin, if coldplay really is having a concert u better get me tickets, i will suck ur dick. or just give u money to buy it for me. big props to alfone for really intro-ing this band to me.i didnt like viva la vida album...i believe piano driven songs were their forte really.

ps: i need to delete umbrella off my play list because my friends are giving me funny looks when they scroll at my songs

Monday, March 9, 2009

why are there so many anorexic looking girls here with backbreaking boobs. its...physically impossible that they can keep their back straight! im talking about..... 155 cm with dd tankers. LOL.

talked to my counselor... and she said bobian, i have to find a way to get all 3 classes in fall, because these courses arent offered in summer. im thinking of getting permission from the professors to let me overlap the classes and take the exams at different dates. praying bah. i think it might be possible if its overlapping on certain days and not more than half an hour. seems probable. which means... chances of a summer holiday for me is very high, its just that im thinking about my future in college more... its a headache, i can transfer by december to UC IRVINE which is in the OC, and 10 MIN FROM NEW PORT BEACH HAHAH CAN U GUYS BELIEVE IT. CALIFORNIA HERE WE COMEEE. but the problem is it can only happen if i can get my classes next semester in the first place, additionally, the teachers have to allow me to overlap class schedules, and i have to secure at least b's inorder to transfer. please please god, i will believe in you if u ever fulfill my wishes. i dont want to spend fall and next spring finishing 3 classes, neither do i wanna spend this summer taking classes that could be taken all at one go in fall semester. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE. i will make a negro sacrifice to u at the crack of dawn and offer his still beating heart on a silver plate for my offering every morning

btw... fashion advice that i think works great on ladies. wear cardigans. it works wonders, its a big thing here, and i dont blame em cause it is such a great look that u can wear anywhere.of course u need to wear something appropriate inside la, not some lame little miss or mr shirt. a nice tank top would be sweet. actually just putting on a 2nd top or jacket is perfect, it makes u stand out anyway, since singapore is pretty much a "one top" kinda teenage society from the way i view it. the guys there are trying the Chuck Bass or Dan Humphrey look recently have u noticed HAHAHA, either that or screen t's. its pretty sad that i used to wear alot of screen t's .oh well i grew outta it. and i still think my jesus shirts are awesome. SCREEN T'S FTW, ONCE IN A WHILE, NOT EVERYDAY.
foundation is important! im saying this, as i am assuming that there are even girls reading my blog still-_-. btw hu, u dont need blush, ur cheeks are too awesomely imba-ly mampat already, one of the many things i have also been bestowed upon only for it to be fucked by my overwhelming manly hormones. thats how i like my girls, and i assume my taste it fantastic and awesome,so y'all should follow my advice.

AND BTW PEOPLE. SUMMER CLOTHES ARE OUT IN STORES IN AMERICA. with very very cheap discounts going on. u want anything, send a picture and i will grab it for u, provided u pay me back of course. im talking dirt cheap. like $10 per shirt cheap. $20 cargo pants cheap. $23 dollars banana republic sweater cheap. $30 dollars 501 levis jeans cheap. now do u wonder why i have so many levis jeans since i came here lol.

ps: MY GRADUATE UNI WILL BE 10 MIN AWAY FROM NEWPORT BEACH. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP. and im jumping straight to the 3rd year programs :) which means im starting my majors straight away instead of doing general electives. sexyness.

Friday, March 6, 2009

wow. u only need a bachelors in any degree to apply for med school.
1 year chem , 1 year organic chem, 1 year physics, one year bio and 1 year calculas. need to read up more on this HAHAHA. ah well i will still need...2-3 years plus anyway.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

it seems like im standing like a fuckin girl in these pics man

went on a 3 day snow trip to sonora with friends to get wasted and stuff. it was quite fun la haha.. after all it beats staying at feels really weird now though... the fact that im quiet and it would be so much more different if lets say.. it was in a singaporean environment. but still im adapting? i just tend to be shy. can u believe it, me SHY. ARRGH. i wish i knew how to talk to people in america like how sociable i am in singapore. lol. anyway i didnt bring my snow shoes so i pretty much had snow in my feet all fucking day. it was hell dude. fuckin hell.
and btw nat! if ur reading this, u shud try khalua +vodka+ cream. its really good, really really good, in shots. and people were doing Carbombs where its basically u drop a shot glass full of whisky into a cup of beer and u drink it. seems really interesting. oh yeah, and there were 2 cartons of beer, and like 10-12 bottles of alchohol, thank god i didnt drink so much, but the others did. and i think my friend had sex with his girlfriend everynight while i was there LOL,PLAYA.

so, while i was there, i kinda realised how open people really are with sex. i mean i had some doubts in the back of my mind whether it was true whenever i watch chick flicks. buuut damnnnnnnn girls here openly talk about how sex is like with their boyfriend with his boyfriends friends DAMN IMBA. and stories about friend videotaping girls while they fuck, with permission of course. definitely paints a very.... interesting picture about sex here. oh and in addition, girls here actually ask their boyfriends whether they can have more sex, and my friend is so burned out that his dick has scabs. mannnn. envy, but i might think differently if i was really put in that situation.